

At Extivent we have been manufacturing custom stainless steel for more than 25 years. We are second-generation metal workers.

Behind Extivent we have a well-established team: our employees have been with us from the beginning and together we have managed to continue growing. Our entire staff is committed to providing the best possible solution for our clients, be it stainless steel elements or smoke and vapour extraction.

We provide tailor-made solutions in our own workshop located in Palma. We make them for retailers who want an industrial touch with stainless steel designs for homes, using items such as railings, stairs, stair linings, wall elements and doors

We also make them for wholesalers in a variety of sectors, providing items for hotels, industries, restaurants, cafés, bakeries, butcher shops, fishmongers, and more. Among other things, we manufacture ventilation ducts, extractor hoods, furniture and custom solutions in stainless steel. We have machinery, tools and other specific equipment that allow us to use a variety of materials in our manufacturing, such as stainless steel, copper, brass, zinc, galvanised and iron. We also manufacture and install rectangular conduits made from galvanized sheet metal and approved according to classification (s. EN 13501-4:2016) E600/120

We provide solutions to your design and ventilation problems, with all the necessary documentation and in line with current regulations. We offer innovative solutions based on a thorough knowledge of every installation’s needs and problems.



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